日本誠和スピラン皮革酒精染料 - 赤
- 相片顏色或有機會出現偏差,顏色請以實物為準;
- 此產品含有細小配件、尖銳物件,恕不適合六歲以下兒童使用;六至十二歲兒童必須由成年人陪同下使用並應小心處理。
1. 因應皮革材質及厚度上的差異,並非所有皮色均適用於所有產品,詳見各產品巳列出的皮色選項。
Leather texture and thickness may vary; Specific colours may applied to selected items only. Please refer to the product page for details;
2. 相片顏色或會因光線或屏幕顯示器不同而出現偏差,恕不接受此原因之退貨。
The colour of the photo may vary due to lighting of shooting environment and screen display, Returns and Refunds for this reason will not be accepted;
3. 皮色將不定期更新,歡迎下單時於「新增備註」註明所需皮色。
The colour options will be updated from time to time. Please mention your preferred colours in “Remarks" columns when placing an order.
選色注意|Tips of leather colours:
1. 免費刻印4個字母(不限大楷或小楷)/數字/圖案組合;
Free embossing of 4 units of letters (upper case or small case), numbers or pattern;
2. 字型及呎吋|Font Options and size reference (所有呎吋以大楷字母高度計算):
-- 字型 Font A|手寫字型:約 6.5mm
-- 字型 Font B|潦草字型:約 5mm
-- 字型 Font C|粗體字型:約 6mm
-- 字型 Font D|正楷字型:約 5mm
3. 內容:如有大小楷之分,請於下單時直接使用大小楷輸入;
Content: Please enter embossing content in upper case and lower case order ;
4. 位置:敬請於備註清楚描述刻印位置,以免產生誤會;
Placement: Please mention your preferred placement clearly, if any;
5. 所有字母/數字/圖案均由人手刻印,如有輕微偏差屬正常現象,敬請見諒 :)
Embossing and aligning are manual operated, slighting deviations are inevitable.
Remarks: Please mention your preferred font and placement, if any; otherwise we will decide the font and placement without notice in advance.
Free embossing of 4 units of letters (upper case or small case), numbers or pattern, please purchase extra unit by the link below:
Font A
Font B
Font C
Font D
All leather products are finished by hand stitching, which is posh with tactile appeal and absolutely more durable and than machine-made item. From design to sampling, from stitching to packaging, all 100% made in Hong Kong.
Leather colours, stitching and metal fixing options are available with custom-made embossing service for uniqueness and classiness.
Well-cut leather pieces with stitching holes pre-opened, tools and accessories are ALL prepared in-box. The eco paper packaging is suggested to be reused as gift box with woven bag and gift card enclosed for gift presenting. Follow our detailed instruction and start leather DIY right now!
Premium Vegetable Tanned Genuine Leather
Exquisitely selected of vegetable tanned genuine leather from Italy, France and world-wide. The vegetable tanning treatments, besides being absolutely natural, have the great merit of giving the product traces of lived, a very high quality that allows an aging without ruining the product. It also allows, through a careful choice of tannins, to obtain warm leather tones that tend to resurface over time